
by Gabriel Pintilei 


©George Dascalescu

Odeon Theatre, Bucharest

CAST: Ioana Anastasia Anton, Angela Ioan, Laurentiu Lazar, David Petcu, Mihai Smarandache 

SCENOGRAPHY - Laura Paraschiv

O familie normala din Romania. Un apartament de bloc cu trei camere. O zi de sambata absolut obisnuita. Pana la un punct. Mama, tata si cei trei copii: Ala mare, A mijlocie si Ala micu. Din aceasta zi nimic nu va mai fi la fel. Nimeni nu banuieste ce stie Ala micu.

The show reveals all these – about our life in our country, today – with pain and serenity, with irony and a drop of pathos, successfully being amusing and saddening enough to leave room for meditation; and it does it so easily. In the perfect realistic set by Laura Paraschiv (which has, though, a subtle symbolic reference to Dogville), under an even light, slightly altered only in key moments, the actors move well, fast and (very important!) they all know what they are doing. And for all these “details” the praises go to the director – and also for the fact, that apparently, his contribution is not seen. Thus, I recommend, to the memory of the citadel (of theatre but not only) a name: Alex(andru) Mihail.
— Alice Georgescu, Dilema Veche
Furthermore, the tone of the entire show, from the text itself to the performances is situated in the ingenuous, natural genre that we already associate with the new wave of cinema directing. […] The director, Alexandru Mihail, succeeds in taking his actors beyond a simple portrait sketch.
— Anca Ionita, Time Out Bucharest
Watching the direction of Alexandru Mihail, scenes from many Romanian movies came up in my mind. How could Pintilie and Alexandru Mihail make interesting a family similar to those families in the films of the early 90’s, films that made the public stay away from the Romanian cinema? Why is it that in Odeon Theatre’s production, the story of the family, with all its curses, fights, miseries, lack of perspective, can be genuine and those in the films cannot?
— Robert Balan, Romania Libera
Today, the resurrection of the social theatre (we chose to use here the same conventional term) can be linked with the need to reconstruct a civic conscience. […] The most recent premiere of the Odeon Theatre – which also coincided with the launch of a new theatre venue – defines itself, through the voice of its author, Gabriel Pintilei, as social theatre. […] The acting company, selected by the director Alexandru Mihail is very well harmonized, performing in the same organic, natural style, without futile theatricality. It is of common knowledge that, sometimes, a play of today is more difficult to act then anything else, and the balance between verisimilitude and reality show is hard to keep.
— Doina Papp, Revista 22
In the clear-cut directing, in the same realistic style of Alexandru Mihail and with the symbolic set by Laura Paraschiv, the show at The Odeon has the fluency of a new wave Romanian film.
— Oana Stoica,
The Studio, the new theatre space at The Odeon has been launched withTlicked, a play by Gabriel Pintilei, winner of the DramAcum contest and that has been developed in different stages (including a public reading) with director Alex Mihail, who has eventually directed the premiere. Tlicked is the accurate snapshot of a day in the life of an ordinary Romanian family. The show is precisely aligned in something that has become a nation wide cultural trend, especially in the films of the past years with enormous success at big international festivals, but also in the literature of the new generation. […] Decidedly engaged on this path, Alex Mihail’s production shows us how we are, or at leas how a segment of Romanian society is today. How the binding that was holding together a family has crumbled under the pressure of social changes dictated by history itself, but also under the weight of the financial crisis.
— Cristina Modreanu, Artact Magazine