The Dresser  

by Ronald Harwood  


Constanta State Theatre  

CAST: Remus Archip, Pavel Barsan, Laura Bilic, Andrei Cantaragiu, Dumitru Caramitru, Gelu Ciobanu, Dana Dumitrescu, Alexandru Mereuta, Cristina Oprean, Mihai-Sorin Vasilescu, Dan Zorila 

SCENOGRAPHY - Vladimir Turturica

People who, under the eye of young director, Alex Mihail, who is also the translator of the play, revealed an extremely emotionally charged Dresser. The first option, and a very inspired one, was the choice for the couple Sir (Mihai Sorin Vasilescu) and Norman (Pavel Barsan).
— Doru Mares, Observatorul Cultural
At his first collaboration with the Constanta State Theatre, young director Alexandru Mihail has thrown himself in the maelstrom of a project with much deeper emotional implications then the sheer ambition to deal with such a complex text as The Dresser. […] After being captured by the spell of television, Alex has chosen to return to theatre because it is a definite space, filled with particular emotions and feelings that don’t lose their value the next morning. Since childhood, his mother has cultivated his passion for theatre and since, imperceptible, from a passionate spectator, he has become a passionate director. A personal faith is what transpires from Alex Mihail’s production ofThe Dresser, where he shows the audience not juts another play about theatre, or Lear, or war, not even about Shakespeare, who is so often mentioned, but the story of two people who save themselves through illusion and theatre.
— Luana Luba, Revista Tomis
There is, in this production, an even more sophisticated mise en abyme (placing into infinity – a heraldic technique in which in the center of a coat of arms is placed a miniature copy of the same coat of arms, and in the center of the copy another miniature copy and so forth); […] Apart from the theatre within theatre, the stage within the stage, we get the dresser playing the part of Sir and Sir playing the part of Lear.
— Alina Bargaoanu-Vasiliu, Cuget Liber
The Dresser, gently pulls away the curtain, to let the spectator glimpse behind the stage, where Norman and Sir are fighting their own monsters.
— Mirela Stanga, Telegraf Constanta